Friday, October 19, 2007

A New Venue

Well, Fall & Halloween is in full swing here at White least it is on the first floor. Tucked secretly away in the dungeon are Janet and I busily unpacking, assembling and pricing Christmas goodies. We're just like two little elves. "Mrs. Claus...we need more cookies and hot cocoa!" Each season it seems as though we have to start thinking about C-Mas earlier and earlier and I start to dread it. There is always SO much to do to flip the shop into the Winter Wonderland you all know and love. My "C-Mas To-Do" list(s) start forming in March and by the time October rolls around there are at least 15 of lists floating around in my car, the shop, my purses, at home and places unknown. That staff of 12 nevers seems to show up when I need them most! :-) But as I am opening and unwrapping every little puti house and glass glittered treasure my "dread thoughts" start turning to excitement and anticipation. I can't remember half the things I ordered so unwrapping each box is a surprise and I truly feel like a kid on Christmas morning. The store is going to look fabulous and I think you all will feel the same way I do. Mark your calendar for November 8th, 5PM!

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