Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thinking outside the "big box" store decor

I was sitting in the emergency room with my son Zach (a possible ankle break turned out to be a bad sprain, after x-rays and a "how to use crutches" lesson they sent us on our way), and happened upon an old issue of House Beautiful. I am a visual person and really just leaf through most magazines, never really "reading" unless something really catches my eye. But, oo la la...I ran across this photo and it stopped me dead in my page thumbing. I loved it so much I quietly tore it out of the magazine (yes, I admit it, I am one of "those"). An urn as a sink! Brilliant! I so love bathrooms with personality and this one has it, yet it is simple, elegant and understated. "Honey? Next weekend I have this little project for us..."